MyST r Daewoo zone
Note: HP is the monster's blood, EXP and GOLD is the experience gained after defeating monsters and money.
* Resistance is a monster of a spell resistance. The greater resistance, indicating that the attack spells on the monster worse; resistance = 100%, indicating that the spell of the monster is not valid.
* Monster spells on the sword of unified resistance to 50%!
* theft is to steal from the monster things. all the monsters that steal props; monsters who steal the money can only be listed in numerical -1. (example: Hmong theft boxing column is $ 300, then to steal from him a total of 299 penny)
* Ling-called values. Ling-called value = 0, purple hyacinth monster can not be inhaled; Ling-called value! = 0, the monster can be inhaled, sucked the spirit monster gourd value accumulated in the purple hyacinth, as alchemy ingredients. refining consumption of different items to different values of the spirit of gourd, specifically for:
march Dan 1, also Shendan 2, revive Hong 3, trial results 4 relic 5, 6 queen bee honey, cure my 7, 8 Pan fruit, gourd spirit elixir 9
green demon:
HP 40 EXP 1 GOLD 0
Resistance: 0% Wind 50% of toxic mine Fire 50% Water 0% 90% 90%
earth skills: -
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 1D28
Green Leaf Fairy:
HP 40 EXP 3 GOLD 0
Resistance: 0% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 90% 50% 0% water, soil 90%
skills: Wind curse
theft: -
booty: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 25E8
HP 30 EXP 1 GOLD 3
Resistance: 100% Wind 20% drug 50% of mine Water 50% Fire 0% soil 50%
skills: -
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 025C
bees: < br> HP 32 EXP 2 GOLD 2
Resistance: 70% Wind toxic mine 100% 50% 0% Water 50% Fire 60%
earth skills: Attack with a red poison
theft: -
booty: honeycomb (random access)
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0374
HP 28 EXP 1 GOLD 1
Resistance: 0% Wind 50% of drug Mine Fire 50% Water 0% 0% 50%
earth skills: -
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0216
HP 28 EXP 2 GOLD 4
Resistance: 0% Wind 50% toxic mine water 50% 50% 50% Fire 0%
soil stunt: -
theft: Gu * 1
prize: queen bee honey (random access)
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 03BA
HP 31 EXP 5 GOLD 5
Resistance: 100% Wind drug Mine Water 90% 80% 20% 80% Fire 10%
earth skills: -
theft: wine * 2
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 06BC
black ball:
HP 42 EXP 4 GOLD 4
Resistance: 40% Wind 50% of toxic mine fire 40% 50% 40% water, soil 50%
skills: -
Theft: Hong * 1
ten trophies: bleeding grass (random access)
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 02A2
Hmong boxing:
HP 350 EXP 26 GOLD 48
Resistance: 30% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: -
Theft: $ 300
trophies: -
Ling-called values: 0 < br> Address: 1C56
Fat Tony:
HP 800 EXP 110 GOLD 240
Resistance: 50% Wind 50% of toxic mine fire 50% 50% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: Attack twice, cut crescent (all)
theft: Ointment * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 199A
Lin as one:
HP 600 EXP 200 GOLD 500
Resistance: 10% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 50% 50% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: Attack twice, flogger
Theft: $ 1000
booty: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 183C
HP 420 EXP 25 GOLD 49
Resistance: 30% Wind 60% drug 30% water, 60 Lei % Fire 60% Earth 60%
skills: Jian Qi chopped
Theft: $ 400
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1166
Lohan legs:
HP 420 EXP 20 GOLD 46
Resistance: 20% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Attack twice
theft: $ 100
booty: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 0E64
small hook:
HP 500 EXP 20 GOLD 41
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% drug 40% water, 40% of the mine fire 40% soil 40%
skills: -
theft: sleeve Sword * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 17B0
Hammer nursing homes:
HP 540 EXP 20 GOLD 42
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: -
theft: Iron Bracers * 1
booty: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 176A
hidden weapon hand:
HP 500 EXP 22 GOLD 30
Resistance: 10% Wind 50% of toxic mine 50 % Water 50% Fire 50% Earth 50%
skills: Shader
theft: Plum dart * 2
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1882
Lin on Second:
HP 450 EXP 200 GOLD 0
Resistance: 10% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 50% 50% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: Attack twice, Jian Qi
theft : $ 1000
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 190E
red slime:
HP 110 EXP 5 GOLD 5
Resistance: 50% of toxic air Ray 80% 80% 80% Fire 80% Water 80%
earth skills: Attack twice, spare
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address : 2700
green snake:
HP 100 EXP 6 GOLD 5
Resistance: 80% Wind 30% toxic mine fire 30% 30% 30% water, soil 30%
skills: - br> theft: snake eggs * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 1A6C
Red snake:
HP 80 EXP 6 GOLD 6
resistance : 80% Wind 30% toxic mine fire 30% 30% 30% water, soil 30%
skills: Attack with a malaria drug
theft: snake eggs * 2
trophies: -
Ling gourd value : 1
Address: 1A26
HP 210 EXP 8 GOLD 10
Resistance: 50% Wind 50% of toxic mine fire 50% 30% 50% water, soil 30%
stunt : -
Theft: $ 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 09BE
top five Serpent:
HP 650 EXP 55 GOLD 52
Resistance: 100% Wind 70% of toxic mine fire 40% 50% 90% water, soil 60%
skills: Attack with malaria drugs, malaria
theft: snake saliva * 1
trophies: - br> Ling-called value: 3
Address: 1B3B
HP 500 EXP 110 GOLD 55
Resistance: 50% Wind 70% of toxic mine fire 20% 80% 100% water Soil 70%
skills: Attack with a malaria drug, Sanmeizhenhuo
theft: Fire silkworm insanity * 2
booty: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 232C
half of illegal immigrants:
HP 1800 EXP 250 GOLD 1100
Resistance: 100% Wind 60% toxic mine water 100% 60% 60% Fire 60%
soil stunt: Attack twice, cut crescent (of all )
theft: redeem the soul of light * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 3
Address: 19E0
HP 1500 EXP 180 GOLD 350
resistance sex: 50% Wind 0% toxic mine fire 70% 50% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: Attack twice, back to the dream, Ray curse, curse Wu Lei, call - bee * 4
theft: forgotten Soul Flower * 2
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 3
Address: 1580
HP 900 EXP 30 GOLD 0
Resistance: 20% Wind 50 drug % Ray 50% Fire 50% Water 50% Earth 50%
skills: -
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 1AB2
Chile stick monk:
HP 1100 EXP 250 GOLD 573
Resistance: 30% Wind toxic mine 50% 50% 50% Fire 50% Water 50%
soil stunt: -
theft: Ginkgo sub * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 18C8
red Lama:
HP 800 EXP 50 GOLD 50
Resistance: 40% of drug 30% 40% Wind Water Thunder Fire 40% 40% 40%
earth skills: -
theft: beads * 2
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1094
Huiyi Lama:
HP 800 EXP 50 GOLD 50
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: -
Theft: relic * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1120
Chi repair master:
HP 1050 EXP 180 GOLD 4789
Resistance: 60% 100% wind toxic mine fire 60% 60% 60% water, soil 60%
skills: Buddhism boundless, calling - in yellow knife monk, Lama
Huiyi theft: a relic * 9
booty: Ocean Spirit gourd gown
value: 0
Address: 2444
in yellow knife Monk:
HP 330 EXP 30 GOLD 0
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% drug 40% Water 40 Thunder % Fire 40% Earth 40%
skills: -
Theft: $ 500
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 0E1E
HP 310 EXP 9 GOLD 7
Resistance: 100% Wind 60% toxic mine fire 70% 20% 60% water, soil 70%
skills: attack with dead drug
theft: dead carrion * 1
booty: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 07D4
Ripper Ghost:
HP 450 EXP 10 GOLD 10
Resistance: 100% Wind 40% drug 40% Water 40 Thunder % Fire 20% Earth 40%
skills: -
theft: dead carrion * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 048C
knife her mother:
HP 860 EXP 36 GOLD 96
Resistance: 30% Wind toxic mine 0% 50% 40% Fire 70% Water 50%
earth skills: call - flying head cut open and demons * 2
Theft: knife * 1
booty: cure my soul gourd
value: 1
Address: 0518
flying head:
HP 360 EXP 8 GOLD 0
Resistance: drugs 100 % Ray 40% Wind 40% Water 30% Fire 40% Earth 40%
skills: -
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0BA8
half zombie:
HP 1250 EXP 52 GOLD 27
Resistance: 100% Wind 80% of toxic mine fire 80% 80% 80% water, soil 80%
skills: coming down to
Theft: dead carrion * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 04D2
zombie soldiers A:
HP 330 EXP 10 GOLD 8
Resistance: poison Wind 40% 90% 50% Ray 10% water, fire, earth 50% 30%
skills: -
theft: Dan * 1
march booty: -
Ling-called values: 1
Address: 1E86
zombie soldiers B:
HP 400 EXP 12 GOLD 6
Resistance: 90% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 40% 20% 60% water, soil 30%
skills: - -
theft: Dan * 1
march booty: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 1ECC
zombie soldiers C:
HP 340 EXP 10 GOLD 7
Resistance: 90% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 20% 50% 60% water, soil 40%
skills: -
theft: dead carrion * 2
trophies: -
Ling gourd value : 1
Address: 1F12
Bai Wuchang:
HP 300 EXP 13 GOLD 0
Resistance: 30% Wind toxic mine 100% 30% 30% Water 30% Fire 30%
soil skills: Prodigy
theft: smoking star lock * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 10DA
prostrate Lohan:
HP 340 EXP 10 GOLD 15
Resistance: 50% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 50% 70% 20% water, soil 40%
skills: Wind curse
theft: Wind currently the magic * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 3
Address: 0C7A
HP 230 EXP 38 GOLD 22
Resistance: 60% Wind toxic mine 100% 50% 40% Water 50% Fire 20% of the earth < br> skills: -
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0DD8
Zombie King:
HP 5000 EXP 660 GOLD 1253 < br> Resistance: 100% Wind 50% of toxic mine fire 40% 30% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: purgatory claws, malaria, coming down to
Theft: A * 1
bronze trophies: - -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1652
blood clouds:
HP 1200 EXP 33 GOLD 30
Resistance: 100% Wind toxic mine 100% 100% 100% water, fire 100 % �� 100%
skills: Attack twice, spare
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 0EF0
Red Ghost:
HP 450 EXP 16 GOLD 30
Resistance: 60% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 40% 80% 0% water, soil 40%
skills: Yan curse
theft: -
booty: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 0A04
Green Ghosts:
Resistance: 60% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 80% 40% 0% water, soil 40%
skills: Ice curse
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 0978
Siamese demon:
HP 400 EXP 20 GOLD 30
Resistance: 70% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 30% water, soil 50%
skills: coming down to
theft: Fire silkworm Gu * 1
booty: - -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 0D4C
mouth blood worms:
HP 310 EXP 14 GOLD 9
Resistance: 0% Wind 50% drug 50% water, 50% of the mine fire 50% soil 30%
skills: Attack with a red poison
theft: Treasure of the Sierra silkworm * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0446
Red King of Ghosts:
HP 5500 EXP 950 GOLD 1750
Resistance: 80% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 60% 70% 30% water, soil 100%
skills: Gorefiend magic, Yan curse, flying rocks surgery, wins Soul, Wu Lei curse, Sanmeizhenhuo, call - Zombie * 2, flying head * 2, Bai Wuchang * 2
theft: Blood Delicate * 2
booty: Earth Ling Zhu Ling
gourd value: 0
Address: 1698
seedlings gun death:
HP 1800 EXP 51 GOLD 51
Resistance: 20% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 30% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
stunt : Attack twice
theft: $ 1000
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 2516
Gun Death:
HP 450 EXP 26 GOLD 14
resistance sex: 40% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 30% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Attack twice
theft: $ 300
trophies: -
Ling-called values: 0 < br> Address: 104E
sword nursing homes:
HP 500 EXP 20 GOLD 48
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: -
Theft: $ 500
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1724
Stone Presbyterian:
HP 32767 EXP 0 GOLD 0
Resistance: 80% 80% wind toxic mine fire 80% 80% 80% water, soil 80%
skills: magic flame
gas theft: Peacock Gallbladder * 3
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 225A
Little Earth Ghost:
HP 650 EXP 28 GOLD 13
Resistance: 20% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 50% 90% 30% water, soil 30%
stunt : fire operation, turned - fertilizer
theft: realgar * 2
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 055E
female cat burglar:
HP 1250 EXP 1100 GOLD 3350
Resistance: 10% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 50% 50% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: hidden weapon, explosive (second battle was cast)
theft: Night clothes * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 17F6
black Nvzei:
HP 290 EXP 50 GOLD 99
Resistance: 10% Wind drug Mine Water 50% 50% 50% 50% Fire 50%
soil stunt: Shader
theft: sleeve Sword * 2
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 24D0
Green Fresh Fire laevis:
HP 400 EXP 45 GOLD 10
Resistance: 0% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 40% 20% 60% water, soil 40%
skills: - br> theft: toxic toad eggs * 2
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 27D2
Fresh Fire laevis:
HP 290 EXP 60 GOLD 0
resistance sex: 30% Wind toxic mine 0% 60% 50% water, fire, earth 100% 40%
skills: Fire surgery, inflammation curse, Sanmeizhenhuo
theft: Fire silkworm Gu * 1
booty: - -
Ling-called value: 3
Address: 22A0
Blue Fresh Fire laevis:
HP 320 EXP 50 GOLD 10
Resistance: 0% Wind toxic mine 60% 60% 90% water Fire 20% Earth 40%
skills: Ice curse, curse Xuanbing
theft: Ice Silkworm Gu * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 2818
Red Centipede:
HP 280 EXP 27 GOLD 20
Resistance: 60% Wind toxic mine 30% 30% 60% Fire 30% Water 30%
earth skills: Attack with malaria drugs, malaria
Theft: centipede eggs * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
small scorpion:
HP 280 EXP 28 GOLD 18
Resistance: 50% Wind 30% of drug Mine Fire 30% Water 60% 30% 30%
earth skills: Attack with a malaria drug
steal: Scorpion Eggs * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address : 21CE
toad Guimu:
HP 2000 EXP 760 GOLD 3400
Resistance: 50% Wind 70% of toxic mine fire 70% 70% 70% water, soil 70%
skills: Curse of the snake (malaria drug), coming down, three dead spell (three dead Gudu)
theft: Gelsemium elegans * 9
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1D6E
HP 3800 EXP 720 GOLD 0
Resistance: 100% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Attack with a red poison
theft: toxic toad eggs * 10
trophy: the bot-called spiritual values
: 2
Address: 1468
Lintian Nan:
HP 10000 EXP 2500 GOLD 2500
Resistance: 100% Wind drug Mine Water 50% 50% 50% 50% Fire 50%
soil stunt: Gas prove safety, crescent cut (single), Jianqi chop, chop dragon tactics, the extinction of a hit, Total Annihilation
theft : Longquan Jian * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 248A
wonderful butterfly by:
HP 2090 EXP 5000 GOLD 0
Resistance: drugs 100 % Ray 40% Wind 60% Water 40% Fire 30% Earth 40%
skills: Tiannvsanhua
theft: angel Yulu * 3
trophies: -
Ling-called values: 0
Address: 153A
HP 625 EXP 40 GOLD 13
Resistance: 80% Wind 60% toxic mine fire 40% 40% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: Attack with Red poison
theft: spider eggs * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 05EA
colorful spider:
HP 500 EXP 45 GOLD 23
Resistance: 60% Wind 30% toxic mine fire 30% 20% 30% water, soil 30%
skills: attack the sleeping
theft: * 1
wire wrapped around the soul of trophies: -
Ling gourd value: 1
Address: 2142
HP 586 EXP 42 GOLD 7
Resistance: 80% Wind 60% toxic mine fire 40% 40% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: -
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 05A4
tree demon:
HP 700 EXP 50 GOLD 38 < br> Resistance: 50% Wind 50% of toxic mine fire 70% 40% 0% water, soil 50%
skills: -
Theft: Ghost Kuteng * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 1F9E
Black Zhizhu Jing:
HP 2450 EXP 420 GOLD 0
Resistance: 60% Wind toxic mine 100% 10% 80% Fire 60% Water 80 Earth %
skills: attack infected silk, Wu Lei curse
theft: winding wire * 3
booty soul: the bot-called spiritual values
: 3
Address: 1CE2
six feet Spider:
Resistance: 100% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 40% 20% 40% water, soil 30%
skills: attack infected silk, Wu Lei curse, tenrai broken, Kuanglei
theft: winding wire * 2
booty soul: Lei Ling Zhu Ling gourd
value: 0
Address: 0C34
drunk Lohan:
HP 540 EXP 63 GOLD 100 < br> Resistance: 60% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 40% 30% 60% water, soil 60%
skills: -
theft: wine * 3
trophies: -
Ling gourd Value: 0
Address: 0EAA
Little Thunder:
HP 450 EXP 50 GOLD 70
Resistance: 20% Wind toxic mine 100% 40% 50% Fire 50% water, soil 50%
stunt: Curse
theft Ray: Ray currently the magic * 3
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 078E
Kazakhstan will:
HP 550 EXP 66 GOLD 90
Resistance: 40% Wind 60% toxic mine fire 40% 40% 30% water, soil 40%
skills: Wind curse
theft: * 1
rope tied cents trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 0F36
Jin Chuijiang Warrior:
HP 900 EXP 72 GOLD 135
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% toxic mine water 40% 20% 40% Earth Fire 40%
skills: -
theft: King Fu * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 0F7C
Axe Warrior:
HP 600 EXP 61 GOLD 105
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 20% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: -
Theft: $ 500
trophies: - br> Ling-called value: 0
Address: 0FC2
angle Hercules:
HP 650 EXP 70 GOLD 130
Resistance: 40% Wind 30% toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: -
theft: also Shendan * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 0
Address: 1008
public back po:
HP 776 EXP 64 GOLD 66
Resistance: 30% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Attack twice
theft: candied fruit * 3
booty : -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0A4A
HP 440 EXP 78 GOLD 64
Resistance: 30% Wind 40% of toxic mine water 40% 40% Fire 40% Earth 40%
skills: Attack twice
theft: $ 340
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 0BEE
pig people:
HP 750 EXP 65 GOLD 50
Resistance: 30% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: -
Theft: $ 500
trophies: - -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 0748
big hands:
HP 500 EXP 78 GOLD 50
Resistance: 20% Wind toxic mine 50% 50% 50% Fire 50% Water Soil 50%
skills: Summon - broom * 2
theft: -
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0860
strange I:
HP 440 EXP 60 GOLD 92
Resistance: 20% Wind 60% toxic mine fire 60% 60% 60% water, soil 60%
skills: coming down to
theft: Daigo, Hong * 1
booty : -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 08A6
Tiecha Tau:
HP 900 EXP 30 GOLD 75
Resistance: 10% Wind 40% drug 20% mine water Fire 40% 40% 40%
earth skills: -
Theft: $ 600
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 11AC
Purple Orc: < br> HP 850 EXP 85 GOLD 88
Resistance: 30% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Qigong
theft: Gu * 1
booty : -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 2746
sword the old man:
HP 2100 EXP 2500 GOLD 2000
Resistance: 100% Wind 60% toxic mine water 60% 60% Fire 60% Earth 60%
skills: Fearless operator method, Sword Demon, gas ��ָ, Jian Qi chopped
theft: Fearless Fu * 9
booty: Fearless Spirit
robe gourd value: 0
Address: 1C10
Earth Dragon:
HP 1250 EXP 525 GOLD 525
Resistance: 40% Wind 40% of toxic mine water 40% 40% 40% Earth 100% Fire < br> stunt: the crack-day collapse
theft: the Eight Immortals Rock * 1 (hard to steal! I usually steal 297's: 99 to Survival Song, 99 to January mm, there are 99 out and half to Linger, half to the Nu.)
booty: -
Ling-called value: 2
Address: 2674
criminal days:
HP 880 EXP 88 GOLD 125
resistance : 50% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 20% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Jian Qi chopped
theft: Ointment * 1
trophies: -
Ling gourd value : 5 (alchemy preferred)
Address: 0D92
Tiangui Huang:
HP 5000 EXP 5050 GOLD 0
Resistance: 50% Wind 60% of toxic mine fire 60% 60% 60% water, soil 60%
skills: to crack day collapse, tenrai break, the clutches of the world, purgatory real fire
theft: Fantasy prolonging Lu * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called values: 0
Address: 25A2
sickle Ferret:
HP 710 EXP 110 GOLD 220
Resistance: 20% Wind 40% of toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Attack the two times, crescent cut (single)
steal: blood Delicate * 1
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 0676
jumping frog:
HP 780 EXP 80 GOLD 70
Resistance: 0% Wind 50% toxic mine fire 50% 50% 50% water, soil 50%
skills: call - Jumping Frog (jumping frogs can only be called once for each)
theft: trial results * 1 (hard to steal! spiritual power to eat better. But if the stone in front of the Eight Immortals do not eat, I suggest, or Enough is enough, after all, jumping frog of attack or not low. Zijin gourd can also be condensed a lot of trial fruit.)
booty: -
Ling-called value: 1
Address: 081A
prick Ghost:
HP 1080 EXP 128 GOLD 310
Resistance: 0% Wind 40% toxic mine fire 40% 40% 40% water, soil 40%
skills: Gorefiend magic
theft: food demon worms * 1
trophies: - br> Ling-called value: 2
Address: 0702
Ming Wang:
HP 12000 EXP 4985 GOLD 3000
Resistance: 100% Wind 50% of toxic mine fire 50% 50% 50% water, 50 soil %
skills: Kuanglei, purgatory real fire, the clutches of the world, to crack day collapse, tenrai broken, snow ice shields 1, calls - ax warrior
theft: Jade Buddha * 9
booty: Bodhi-called spiritual values robe
: 0
Address: 22E6
Wind Dragon:
HP 6950 EXP 2680 GOLD 0
Resistance: 60% Wind toxic mine 100% 60% 60% water Fire 60% 0%
soil stunt: the wind technique
theft: Wind currently the magic * 3
trophies: -
Ling-called value: 9
Address: 29BC
Earth Dragon:
HP 7550 EXP 2896 GOLD 0
Resistance: 60% Wind 60% toxic mine fire 60% 50% 0% water soil 100%
skills: Purgatory claw
theft: land currently the magic * 3 < br> trophies: -
Ling-called value: 9
Address: 28EA
drug Dragon:
HP 6350 EXP 3108 GOLD 0
Resistance: 100% Wind 60% of toxic mine 60 % Water 60% Fire 60% Earth 60%
skills: Three dead curse (c dead Gudu), million poison eclipse days (three dead Gudu)
theft: Duron lamps * 13
trophies: - -
Ling-called value: 9
Address: 285E
Raytheon ...
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