Thursday, March 3, 2011

Air conditioning and ventilation systems in public places focus on hygienic practices

 Central air conditioning ventilation systems in public places
1 General
hygienic practices to complement the development of this specification.
2 provides the scope of this specification
central air conditioning ventilation systems in public places (hereinafter referred to as central air conditioning ventilation system) and health requirements and test methods.
This instruction applies to central air conditioning use in public places ventilation system, other areas of central air conditioning ventilation system can be implemented by reference.
3 Terms and definitions
air disinfection device of central air conditioning ventilation system to remove air particulates, gaseous pollutants and microorganisms devices.
3.2 purification efficiency
purification device import, export and the difference between air pollutant concentration and the inlet concentration ratio of the percentage of air pollutants.
3.3 respirable particulate matter (PM10)
throat, lower respiratory tract can enter the body particles.
3.4 Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)
air pollutants benzene, xylene, styrene and other volatile organic compounds in total.
4 focus on health indicators
4.1 Air conditioning and ventilation system cooling water and condensing water may not be detected Legionella pneumophila.
4.2 fresh air in central air conditioning ventilation system should be consistent with the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 fresh air of new hygiene requirements
(m3 / h. person)
restaurants, hotels
3 ~ 5 star
1 ~ 2-star non-star

restaurant (Restaurant)
theaters, concert halls, video halls (rooms)
recreation hall, ballroom
bars, cafes, coffee shops < br> g10
Shopping Centre (shops), bookstores
passenger trains, ships, aircraft cabin cabin

4.3 centralized air conditioning ventilation system should meet the requirements of Table 2.
air hygiene requirements in Table 2
project requirements PM10
l0.08 mg/m3
total number of bacteria
l500 cfu/m3 < br> Fungi total
l500 cfu/m3
b-hemolytic streptococci and other pathogenic microorganisms may not be detected
central air conditioning duct inner surface of the ventilation system should be consistent with the requirements of Table 3.
Table 3, the duct inner surface of the hygiene requirements
projects require the amount of dust
l20 g/m2

not be detected pathogenic microorganisms

l100 cfu/cm2
total number of bacteria the total number of fungi
l100 cfu/cm2
4.5 device
4.5.1 Air disinfection systems use central air conditioning ventilation air purification and disinfection equipment, in principle, shall not release toxic and hazardous substances themselves, their health security should be consistent with table 4 requirements.
Table 4 air purification and disinfection equipment
health and safety requirements to allow the project to increase the amount of

UV ozone
l0.10 mg/m3

(device around 30cm,)
l5 mw/cm2
l0.06 mg/m3
l0.02 mg/m3
4.5.2 centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems disinfection device performance should be consistent with the requirements of Table 5.
Table 5 the performance of air purification and disinfection equipment requirements
health conditions requiring installation of the project
normal supply and exhaust the amount of resistance

l50 Pa

a particle removal efficiency by

microbial removal efficiency by
a continuous effect
24 hours a day running around the efficiency of the purification efficiency dropped compared

a disinfection sterilization rate by
5 Health Laboratory
5.1 central air conditioning ventilation system cooling water, condensate, air and duct sampling method used inspection, sampling based on the number of system settings, run, or determined in duct cleaning.
5.2 central air conditioning ventilation system cooling water, condensate water Legionella test methods, see Appendix A.
5.3 fresh air ventilation system of central air conditioning detection methods, see Appendix B.
5.4 of air conditioning in the respirable particulate matter detection methods, see Appendix C.
5.5 Microbial testing of air conditioning methods, see Appendix D.
5.6 centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems air disinfection device test
5.6.1 Health and Safety Health and Safety test indicator according to the device to determine the working principle and installation location.
5.6.2 test the concentration of ozone used GB / T 15438 under ultraviolet spectrophotometry or GB / T 18204 requirements indigo disulphonate spectrophotometry.
5.6.3 UV leak test the strength of the Ministry of Health adopted the method of disinfection technology specification.
5.6.4 TVOC concentration test using GB / T 18883 Appendix C thermal desorption / capillary gas chromatography.
5.6.5 released test of PM10 concentration using WS / T 206 provides the light scattering.
5.7 centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems of air purification and disinfection equipment performance test
5.7.1 Performance tests shall be conducted in the laboratory and field, respectively.
5.7.2 Laboratory testing of plant resistance methods see Appendix E.
5.7.3 Laboratory particle removal efficiency test method, see Appendix F.
5.7.4 microbial removal efficiency and disinfection effect test method, see Appendix G.
5.8 central air conditioning ventilation system evaluation of the use of disinfectants disinfected by the Ministry of Health provided technical specification method.
5.9 focus air conditioning and ventilation system duct inner surface of the dust content of the test method, see Appendix H.
5.10 duct central air conditioning ventilation system within the surface of microbial testing methods, see Appendix I.
6 of this specification from March 1, 2006 onwards.
Appendix A
cooling water, condensate water Legionella pneumophila
test methods prescribed in this Appendix the central air conditioning ventilation system cooling water, condensate and the formation of sediment, ooze Legionella pneumophila and other samples bacteria test methods.
A1 principle
tested water samples concentrated by filtration or centrifugation, part of the sample treated with acid and heat treatment to reduce bacteria growth, part of the sample without treatment. to the treatment and untreated BCYE agar plates were inoculated samples were cultured to produce typical colonies and by biochemical identification of culture and serological test confirmed to be determined as Legionella pneumophila.
A2 main instruments and equipment
A2.1 plate: 90mm
A2.2 Incubator: 35 ~ 37 ℃
A2.3 UV light: wavelength of 360 + /-2nm
A2.4 membrane filter
A2.5 membrane: pore size 0.22 ~ 0.45um
A2.6 peristaltic pump
A2.7 centrifuge
A2.8 vortex oscillator
A2.9 optical microscope, fluorescence microscope, water bath style mirror
Sample Containers Sample
A3.1 A3: optional glass or polyethylene bottles, sediment and ooze required jars, containers need to be screw or ground joint, sterilized before use.
A3. 2, sample volume: Each sample point by aseptic water sample (or sediment, slime and other samples) of about 200ml.
A3.3 and in: Ozone and other disinfection by chlorine or samples, sample containers before sterilization adding sodium thiosulfate solution to neutralize the oxide sample.
A3.4 transportation and storage of samples: the sample is best served within 2 days of laboratory, not frozen, but dark and the prevention of heat, store at room temperature not exceed 15 days.
A4 methods and sample handling steps
A4.1 or centrifugal precipitation
A4.1.1: If impurities can be precipitated or 1000r/min standing centrifuge 1min to remove.
A4 .1.2 filter: the sample by precipitation or by centrifugation 0.22 ~ 0.45um pore size membrane filter, remove the membrane placed in 15ml sterile water, and fully cleared, standby.
A4.1.3 treatment: Take 1ml elution 50 ℃ water bath sample set 30min.
A4.1.4 acid treatment: take 5ml elution samples, adjusting pH to 2.2, gently shaken, placed 5min.
A4.2 inoculation and incubation: Take A4.1.2 elution samples, A4.1.3 and A4.1.4 annealed sample of the acid sample 0.1ml, were inoculated GVPC flat. inoculated plates lie along the CO2 incubator, the temperature is 35 ~ 37 ℃, CO2 concentration of 2.5%. no CO2 incubator candle jar culture method can be used. observe that there culture is generated, inverted plate, incubated for 10 days, pay attention to moisturizing.
A4.3 observation: the slow growth of Legionella bacteria, other bacteria easily concealed, to be observed in the mirror every day style. Legionella colony color and diverse, usually white, gray, blue or purple, but also showed dark brown, lime green, dark red; colony neat, smooth surface, presenting a typical ground-glass-like, in the UV light, a fluorescent.
A4.4 colony Validation: from every plate on the two suspect colonies were picked, inoculated BCYE and L-semi-light acid deletion BCYE agar plates, 35 ~ 37 ℃ 2 days training , where the growth in BCYE agar plate in the L-half light acid deletion BCYE agar plates was not the growth of Legionella bacteria.
A4.5 type of Legionella pneumophila to determine: should be culture and biochemical Experiments to determine the serum of Legionella pneumophila. Biochemical Culture: oxidase (- / weak +), nitrate reduction -, urease -, gelatin liquefaction +, hippurate hydrolysis. serological test: diagnosis of Legionella pneumophila with the serum type.
fresh air detection methods in Appendix B

This appendix provides a centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems fresh air duct mm detection method, which directly measured on the new fresh air duct.
B1 Principle
in centralized air conditioning system is in normal operation or under working conditions, by measuring a cross-section of new duct cross-section area and the average wind speed, calculate the cross section of fresh air. If a system more a new air duct, each new duct air flow have to be determined, all new air flow duct of the system is the sum of the total volume of outdoor air (cubic meters / hour), according to the number of system services in the region, the results can be obtained fresh air (cubic meters / person. h).
B2 main instrument
B2.1 standard Pitot tube Pitot tube
B2.1.1: = 0.99 + / -0.01, or S-type Pitot tube = 0.84 + / -0.01.
B2.1.2 Micro-pressure meter: Accuracy should not be less than 2%, the minimum reading should be less than 1 Pa.
B2.1.3 mercury glass thermometer or resistance thermometer: the minimum reading should be not more than 1.C.
B2.2 method
B2.2.1 thermal anemometer anemometer: the minimum reading should be less than 0.1m / s.
B2.2.2 mercury glass thermometer or resistance thermometer: Minimum reading 1.C.
B3 should not be greater than the detection section and the measuring point
B3.1 test section should be selected in a smooth straight pipe flow, avoiding sharp bends and changes in cross-section area.
B3. 2 position and number of measuring points
B3.2.1 round duct: the air duct into the appropriate number of concentric rings of equal area, click in the loop area measured with the vertical centerline of the intersection of two lines in diameter, the concentric rings and the determination of measurement points shown in Table B1. diameter of less than 0.3 meters, more uniform velocity distribution duct, it is desirable as the air control center one o'clock measuring point. symmetrical and more uniform air distribution duct, can be taken only in one direction measuring point for testing.
Table B1 the number of rings round duct and the measuring points
duct diameter (m)
rings (a)
measuring points (total of both directions)
1 ~ 2
4 ~ 8
> 1 ~ 2
2 ~ 3
8 ~ 12
> 2 ~ 3
3 ~ 4
12 ~ 16
B3.2.2 rectangular duct: The duct section into the appropriate number of equal-area pieces, measuring point is the center of each block. and so the number of small area and the determination of measurement points shown in Table B2.
Table B2 rectangular duct and the measuring points
block the duct cross-sectional area (m2)
small number of areas such as (a)
measuring points (a)
> 1 ~ 4
> 4 ~ 9
> 9 ~ 16
4t4 < br> 16
B4 detection step
B4.1-sectional area measurements
duct air duct test section area measured (F), sub-loop or block to determine the detecting point.
B4.2 Pitot Determination of wind speed and wind
B4.2.1 Preparation: Check the pressure gauge shows whether the normal micro-, micro-manometer and pitot tube connections for leaks.
B4.2.2 dynamic pressure (Pd) measurements: The Pitot tube exit total pressure and micro-manometer pressure side connection, the outlet static pressure micro pressure gauge with vacuum-side connection. the Pitot tube into the wind pipe, at all measuring points on the Pitot tube total pressure measurement holes are facing the airflow direction , deviation of not more than 10., the points measured dynamic pressure. repeated measurement time averaging.
B4.2.3 New air temperature (t) measurement: general control center can be a point in the wind measurement. to mercury glass thermometer or resistance thermometer into the center of the duct at the measuring point, closed test hole, the temperature reading stabilized.
B4.2.4 fresh air (Q) calculations: a new section of the fresh air duct is calculated as follows.
B4.3 Determination of wind speed and wind anemometer
When the amount of dynamic pressure inside the duct is less than 4 Pa, the available thermal anemometer measure wind speed.
B4.3.1 Preparation: regulation anemometer zero and full scale.
B4.3.2 average wind speed of the wind pipe () Determination: The anemometer into the wind pipe, the measured velocity of each point to all the measurement points as the arithmetic mean wind speed results.
B4 .3.3 fresh air (Q) calculations: a new section of the fresh air duct is calculated as follows.
where: Qm fresh air volume (m3 / h)
Fm duct sectional area (m2)
m in the air duct average wind speed (m / s)
Appendix C
air particulate matter in the detection method can be prescribed in this Appendix
centralized air conditioning system air of respirable particulate matter (PM10) concentration of the detection method.
C1 instrument
C1.1 PM10 testing equipment for portable direct reading instruments.
C1.1.1 trapping properties of particle detection equipment shall meet the Da50 = 10 + /-0.5mm, sg = 1.5 + / -0.1 requirements.
Da50 m instrument collection efficiency of 50% corresponding to the particle aerodynamic diameter
sg m instrument collection efficiency of the geometric standard deviation
C1.1.2 detection equipment reproducibility of measurement error: the average relative standard deviation of less than 7%.
C1.1.3 testing instruments and weighing method, with the total uncertainty (ROU) should not exceed 25%.
ROU = | b | +2 | MVC |
where: bm paired weight measurement method and apparatus Act Relative Error of PM10
MVC m arithmetic mean PM10 instrument method the relative error between the results of the geometric mean
C1.1.4 instrument measuring range 0.01 ~ 10mg/m3.
C1.1.5 detection equipment showed the concentration of value is not required to meet the requirements given in the mass concentration conversion factor (K) value.
C1.2 instrumentation before the manual should be required to test equipment and calibration.
C2 test point arrangement
C2.1 detection point in the outlet diffuser under the wind direction at 15 ~ 20cm, according to the number of test points, or plum with diagonal style uniform layout.
C2.2 outlet area of less than 0.1m2 set 3 testing points, outlet area of 0.1m2 or more detection points set 5.
C3 detection time and frequency
C3 .1 detection of central air conditioning ventilation system should be in normal operation conditions.
C3.2 detection of each test 3 times.
C3.3 Determination of the time each data in accordance with air PM10 concentration, instrument sensitivity, Instrument testing of the scoping.
C4 Data Processing
C4.1 Indication for non-determination of the concentration of value, according to instrument manual show the value of each test required to convert the mass concentration.
C = R ' K
where: C m concentration, mg/m3
R m valid indication instruments (net of background values, the base value after such indication)
K m concentration of the instrument conversion factor < br> C4.2 air outlet in the calculation of PM10 concentration in the first k-
outlet of the air in the PM10 concentrations (Cak) is calculated as follows:
where: Cij n measuring points j,, i-time detection value;
nn the number of measurement points.
C4.3 PM10 concentrations in the calculation of air
a system (a) the air in the PM10 concentration (Ca) at all testing of the system The outlet concentration of PM10 (Cak) gives the arithmetic mean.
Appendix D

air microbial testing methods prescribed in this Appendix a centralized air conditioning ventilation system in the total number of bacteria, fungi, and b the total number of - hemolytic streptococcus testing methods.
D1 air principle in the total number of bacteria
instruments were collected in the central air conditioning ventilation system air bacteria counts in nutrient agar by 35 ~ 37 ℃, 48 h incubation the number of colonies formed, per cubic meter of air in the colony-forming units (cfu/m3) report.
D1.2 methods and sampling requirements
D1.2.1: General design downwind in the direction away from the outlet at 15 ~ 20cm.
D1.2.2 sampling environmental conditions: central air conditioning ventilation system when sampling must be at normal operating conditions, and close the doors and windows more than 1 hour to minimize the magnitude and frequency of staff activities, record the number of personnel indoor temperature and humidity and weather conditions.
aseptically sampling methods, the use of six sieve percussive air sampler, the air flow 28.3L/min, the sampling points collecting 5-15min.
D1.3 nutrient agar culture medium

D1.3.1 ingredients: peptone 10g
sodium chloride 5g
meat extract agar 20g
distilled water 1000ml
Method: peptone, sodium chloride, meat extract dissolved in distilled water, adjusted pH value of 7.2 to 7.6, adding agar, 121 ℃ 20min sterilization spare.
D1.3.2 Methods: Acquisition bacteria in nutrient agar plate after the home 35 ~ 37 ℃ for 48 hours, counting the number of colonies, record results and converted into cfu/m3.
D2 total number of fungi in air
D2.1 instruments law principles
central air conditioning ventilation system collected fungi in the air, count on Sabouraud dextrose agar by 28 ℃, 5 ~ 7 days of culture the number of colonies formed, per cubic meter of air in the colony-forming units (cfu/m3) report.
D2.2 sampling methods and requirements
D2.2.1 and D1.2.1 shall require the same point.
D2.2.2 sampling environmental conditions: central air conditioning ventilation system when the sampling must be at normal operating conditions, and close windows and doors more than 1 hour to minimize the magnitude and frequency of staff activities, record interior conditions, the number of personnel, temperature, humidity and weather conditions.
D2.2.3 D1.2.3
D2.3 sampling train with
D2.3.1 Showalter (Sabourandrs agar) agar
ingredients: peptone 10g
dextrose agar 20g
distilled water 1,000 ml
Method: peptone, glucose dissolved in distilled water, adjusted pH 5.5 to 6.0, adding agar, 115 ℃ 15min sterilization spare.
D2.3.2 Methods: Fungi collected Sabouraud agar plate after the home 28 ℃ for 5 to 7 days and observed daily at Day 7 record the results. If an excessive number of fungi can count on the results of the first 5 days, and record the culture time, which translates into cfu/m3.
D3 air in the b-hemolytic streptococcus
D3.1 principle
instruments of central air conditioning ventilation system were collected in the air b-hemolytic streptococcus, the 35 ~ 37 ℃, 24 ~ 48 h incubation, the formation of blood plate plates for colonies typical of b-hemolytic streptococcus . per cubic meter of air in the colony-forming units (cfu/m3) report.
D3.2 sampling methods and requirements
D3.2.1 and D1.2.1 shall require the same point.
D3.2.2 Sample environment conditions: central air conditioning ventilation system when sampling must be at normal operating conditions, and close the doors and windows more than 1 hour to minimize the magnitude and frequency of staff activities, record the number of indoor workers.
D3.3 blood agar culture
D3.3.1 Flat
ingredients: peptone 10g
sodium chloride 5g
meat extract 5g
fiber sheep blood agar 20g
off 5 ~ 10 ml
distilled water 1,000 ml
Method: peptone, sodium chloride, dissolved in distilled water heated meat extract, the correction of pH 7.4 to 7.6, adding agar, 121 ℃ 20min sterilization. to be cooled to 50 ℃, in order to de-fiber sheep blood aseptically added, shaken tilt pan.
D3.3.2 Methods: After sampling the blood agar plates in the 35 ~ 37 ℃ incubation 24 ~ 48h.
results observed after incubation of blood formed on the plate was off-white plate surface diameter of 0.5 ~ 0.7mm protruding small colonies, colony transparent or translucent, the surface smooth and opalescent; microscopy as Gram-positive bacteria without spores, round or oval, were arranged in chains (as the culture and operating conditions can affect the short length of chain can be 4 to 8 cells to dozens of cells); colonies surrounded by clear boundaries of 2 ~ 4mm clear, colorless, fully transparent hemolytic. comply with the above characteristics of b-hemolytic colonies chain cocci.
Appendix E
air disinfection device resistance test methods prescribed in this Appendix
centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems of air purification and disinfection equipment laboratory resistance testing methods.
E1 principle
air disinfection equipment in the laboratory aerodynamic test bed conditions (in accordance with the central air conditioning ventilation system normal operating conditions, the aerodynamic test bed will be adjusted to the appropriate wind speed), the devices were measured at the entrance to all air pressure (Pti) or static Pressure (Psi) and the full pressure of the air outlet (Pt0) or static (Ps0), the following formula derived unit of resistance (P).
before and after the air duct disinfection devices with the same diameter:
Where: device before the test section of the average static pressure of air, Pa;
device cross section after the test the average air static pressure, Pa;
hm device to the device before the measurement section to the determination of import and export after the device section of pipe resistance sum, Pa.
E2 equipment and apparatus
E2.1 aerodynamic test bed.
E2.2 standard Pitot tube: coefficient of 0.99 + / -0.01.
E2.3 inclined pressure decline Total: minimum reading should be not more than 1Pa.
E3 method
E3.1 Determination of static: the static pressure pitot tube manometer exports and slightly negative pressure side connection, micro-pressure side and air pressure gauge connectivity; the Pitot tube into the air tube, Pitot tube total pressure measurement hole toward the airflow direction, read the static pressure.
E3.2 Calculation of static pressure: the static pressure measurement values into the above equation can be drawn from the device resistance.
Appendix F
air disinfection devices particulate matter removal efficiency test method prescribed in this Appendix
centralized air conditioning and ventilation system, air purification and disinfection equipment used a particle removal efficiency and continuous operation through the conditions of particle removal efficiency laboratory test methods.
F1 particle removal efficiency
F1.1 time through the principle of the air disinfection device
aerodynamic test bed in the laboratory conditions, air purification and disinfection equipment in front a certain concentration of particles occurs were measured in the air pipe installation at the entrance to the concentration of PM10 particles (C1) and the exit pipe air concentration of particulate matter PM10 (C2), press-type device obtained a removal efficiency of particulate matter (hP1).
hP1 = [( C1-C2) / C1] '100%
F1.2 equipment and apparatus
F1.2.1 aerodynamic test bed: wind speed range of 1 ~ 8m / s;
speed stability of + / -10% based value;
particle concentration 0.15 ~ 1.5mg/m3;
concentration stability of + / -10%.
F1.2.2 Gravimetric testing equipment:
PM10 particulate sampler = 10 + / -0.5mm, sg = 1.5 + / -0.1 2 sets;
traffic control box Q = 20 ~ 60 L / min 2 sets;
mining pump Q = 50 ~ 100 L / min 2 sets.
F1.2.3 direct reading testing equipment:
PM10 particulate matter analyzer = 10 + /-0.5mm, sg = 1.5 + / -0.1,
accuracy 0.01mg/m3 2 sets.
F1.3 steps
F1.3.1 adjust the speed test bed, so that through the air purification and disinfection equipment to meet the testing requirements for air velocity.
F1.3.2 dynamic sampling to determine the conditions such as particulate matter.
F1.3.3 generator using particles in the air occurrence of disinfection equipment front-end size 2 to 6 microns monodisperse standard particle, the particle concentration in the 3 to 10 times the standard value range.
F1.3.4 concentration of particulate matter in accordance with the principle of air purification and disinfection equipment, choose the weight method or direct reading instruments for testing.
F1.3.5 the center section in the test set one or more test points, the gravimetric apparatus or direct reading instruments shall be at the point of sampling.
F1.3.6 use Gravimetric detection equipment, according to the particle concentration, balance a sense of volume and gas flow rate of sampling time, sampling time should in principle not less than 30 minutes.
F1.3.7 use two direct-reading particle concentration detector test , the two models and performance measurement instrument should be the same.
F1.3.8 tester should read the results after the reading is stable.
F1.3.9 gravimetric sampling using direct-reading measuring dust or measured, are should be sampled or measured 3 times, take 3 times the average concentration of a test section C1 and C2.
F2 continuous operation under the conditions of purification efficiency particulate air purification
F2.1 principle
kinetic experiments in the air disinfection device Taiwan, under the conditions of the air disinfection device in the concentration of PM10 particles of 0.5 to 1.5 mg / cubic meter in a stable environment for 24 hours continuous operation, respectively, in the air pipe measuring device at the entrance to the concentration of PM10 particles (Ct1) and the air outlet pipe PM10 particulate matter concentration (Ct2), then the following formula derived particulate matter removal efficiency devices (hPt).
hPt = [(Ct1-Ct2) / Ct1] '100%
device obtained by the following particulate matter decline in the percentage of purification efficiency.
[(hp1-hpt) / hp1] '100%
F2.2 equipment and apparatus
and particulate matter removal efficiency through the detection of the first to use the same equipment and instruments.
F2.3 steps
and particulate matter removal efficiency through the detection of the first steps in the same time.
Appendix G
microbial decontamination of air disinfection device disinfection testing methods prescribed in this Appendix
centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems microbial disinfection of air time through the purification efficiency of device or method of disinfection test.
G1 principles
certain state by measuring the number of microorganisms in the air in air purification and disinfection equipment to calculate the change before and after purification or disinfection efficiency, thereby Evaluation of the purification of air purification and disinfection equipment disinfection.
G2 experimental equipment
G2.1 test bacteria: natural bacteria in the air.
G2.2 sampler: six sieve air percussive samplers.
G2.3 phosphate buffer: 0.03 mol / L, pH 7.2.
G2.4 nutrient agar
G2.5 thermometer hygrometer
G2.6 experimental methods
G3.1 air purification and disinfection equipment by the technical requirements will be installed in the experimental device.
G3.2, respectively, six mesh of percussive air purification and disinfection of air sampling device placed in the middle before and after, Open air purification and disinfection equipment, to be stable, the simultaneous acquisition device before and after the air flow 28.3L/min, sampling time is 5 to 15 minutes. sampling after the end of the plate into the incubator, while the same batch trial by media set 35 ~ 37 ℃ incubator as a negative control, 48 hours record the results. experiment was repeated three times.
G3.3 elimination rate calculation the following formula for:
G4 evaluation requirements < br> elimination rate of g50% for the purification of qualified, g90% were qualified for the disinfection.
the growth of the negative control group should be sterile; purification and disinfection of bacteria before the volume of 500 ~ 2500cfu/m3.
Appendix H
volume of the inner surface of duct dust test method
This appendix provides central air conditioning ventilation system duct inner surface of the dust content of the test method.
H1 collecting duct principle
provisions of the inner surface area of all the dust, the weighing method come to the inner surface of the duct the amount of dust per unit area, said after the air duct cleaning air duct cleaning degree or level of pollution.
H2 equipment
H2.1 sample size of 50 or 100 square centimeters.
H2.2 easy weight loss, or other non-woven material.
H2.3 sealed bags.
H2.4 sampling tools or equipment.
H2.5 balance, precision 0.0001g.
H2 .6 disposable plastic gloves.
H3 duct cleaning inspection after the cleanliness of the sampling time step
sampling duct cleaning should be carried out within seven days after.
H3.2 sampling
detected after cleaning to determine each set of the main central air conditioning duct ventilation system (such as air supply pipe, return air duct, the new air duct) select at least five representative samples.
H3.3 sample < br> H3.3.1 materials used on the sample temperature inside the drying 105.C 2 hours and then cooled within 4 hours into the dryer, or directly into the dryer for 24 hours, placed in sealed bags using a scale called Measure the initial weight.
H3.3.2 sampling locations in the duct to determine the sampling area, and the inner wall of the sampling area on the wind all the residual dust out.
H3.3.3 dust sample after the sample back custody of the original sealed bag, and be numbered.
H3.4 laboratory analysis
H3.4.1 The samples were handled according to H3.3.1, weighing, come to the final weight.
H3.4.2 will each sampling the end point of the dust samples of the difference between weight and initial weight of each sample point as the weight of the residual dust.
H3.4.3 residual dust under the weight of each sample and the sampling area per square meter of wind converted into the surface of the tube the amount of residual dust.
H3.5 representation
results obtained in various samples average amount of residual dust duct cleanliness determined indicators to g/m2 said.
Preparation of image data using the robot for each monitoring point represents the surface of the duct in the region to conduct video, and its production into a tape or CD-ROM image data.
H4 duct pollution sampling inspection procedures
in determining the location of each set of testing the main central air conditioning duct ventilation system (such as fresh air, air supply and return air duct) select at least five representative samples; If you can not in the main air duct sampling, can be taken 5-10% of all outlet and not less than five as the sampling points.
H4.2 sampling
H4.2.1 duct sampling in the main hole will repair, clean hole to open or on-site opening.
H4.2.2 sampling in the air outlet ...

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